The NIssan Figaro Shop

Have You Fixed Your Air Conditioning?

Every month we tell you about the exciting refurbishment projects that we do for our clients. This month is no different – we have completed five respray projects in traditional Figgy topaz mist and a number of custom colours. However, we also wanted to remind you that we are here for all things Figaro – large and small.

For example, following last month’s advice on checking your tyre wear (which was followed by five tyre explosions at the Silverstone Grand Prix – thanks Bernie!), we have checked and replaced a number of tyres for our clients.

Also, with the recent hot weather, we have repaired sticking roofs and performed a number of light summer services – changing engine filters and making sure all your fluids are fully topped up etc. We have also been fixing up your Figgys so they are safe, roadworthy and helping them pass their MOTs.

However, one of our key specialities is converting the original Air Conditioning units to a UK Spec. You cannot refill the original Figgy air conditioning systems and therefore you need our specialist help in upgrading them to a modern UK equivalent. We are told that we are one of the only places than can perform this task.

With the heat wave set to return in August, have you fixed your air conditioning? If you’re not sure, please bring your Figgy to us and we’ll check it for you.

For air conditioning that works properly, call Toby and the team on 01235 424702 or email us at: [email protected].

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