Our aim, with regular servicing, is to provide you with maximum enjoyment of your Figaro for minimum hassle, so you can have all the fun of owning a classic car, but with modern reliability. Please do get in touch if your Figaro needs a service or MOT.
For those that are considering having some work done we also offer a free of charge full evaluation of your car’s mechanical and cosmetic condition. A fully customised multi media report detailing the condition of your Figaro and where it can be improved is created for you in our online portal. This section by section report includes video of your car, a traffic light style warning system and itemised quotes.
The Figaro Shop Transport Truck
We also now offer transport via our own truck and can collect and deliver your Figaro for you so it is in our safe hands from the moment it leaves you until the moment it is returned. Please give us a call to get a transport quote based on your location, so you can access our specialist services without leaving home.
Get a Free Evaluation today…
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