The figaro shop news

Come and join Christian for a Coffee Walk! Welcome to the first episode of our ‘Coffee with Christian’ walkaround! We’ve had lots of customers wanting to have a ‘behind the scenes’ peek

Free TLC For Your Figaro by Our Experts Free TLC for your Figaro from our experts! One of the most common things that Figaro owners say to us is “my Figaro needs

A Classic Road Trip
Have you ever been on a classic road trip of a lifetime? One of our Figaro Shop technicians, Matt, has just returned from exactly that.

The Paos Are Multiplying!
Since we launched The Pao Project a few weeks ago the Paos appear to be multiplying! We are delighted to say that we now have

The Best Bit Of Our Job!
How would you react when presented with your dream Figaro? Over the years, it’s been our absolute pleasure to unveil dream Figaros to many of

Magnificent In Mist
We’ve been working on a bespoke Figaro this week and had to share a video of how glorious she looked when we took her out

It’s Black, It’s Stealthy, It’s Coming Soon…
This one’s an absolute classic….we’ve been working on a project that we are almost ready to share with you, but we just couldn’t resist giving

Tell Us About YOUR Best Figaro Adventure!
What’s the best adventure you’ve ever had in your Figaro? We’d love for you to share it with us. We know how much fun it

Avoiding The Figaro Killer
Rust can be a bit of a killer with Figaros so we’ve got a couple of top tips for you to help you avoid it
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