Nissan Figaro Front Exhaust Pipe Bracket/Hanger


In stock (can be backordered)

Classic Car Parts


The Nissan Figaros’ exhaust system is supported using 4 hanging rubbers underneath the vehicle. The hangers isolate noise, support the weight of the exhaust system and are designed to allow a degree of movement so as not to stress the exhaust causing it to break. The front exhaust pipe bracket/hanger is situated on the front section of the exhaust system and is affixed using 2 bolts to the offset flange welded to the front pipe. Its design allows for the fitting of the 2 centre exhaust rubbers that support the weight of the exhaust system. Over time, these hangers tend to break from excessive corrosion due to their location under the vehicle.

These hangers have been designed and fabricated in the U.K for The Figaro Shop and are a direct replacement for the original hangers.

Benefits Include:

  • Direct Replacement
  • Made in the U.K
  • Supports exhaust system correctly



Additional information

Weight 1.50 kg


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