The NIssan Figaro Shop

Take Advantage Of Our Free £200 Health Check

As this year ticks away and we start looking at our plans for 2013, we’ve been reviewing our best selling products and services for 2012 and it comes as no surprise to see that our free £200 Health Check was one of our most popular offerings throughout the year.

This concept started from to talking to a number of Figgy owners, who expressed a slight concern that their Figgy didn’t seem to drive quite as well as it used to, or who were worried whether some minor wear and tear on the seats might get a lot worse if not treated promptly etc.

In most cases, we were able to provide full peace of mind or suggest a minor tweak to return the Figgy to full health.

Following these conversations, we devised the free Figaro Health Check, where we often spend several hours assessing a Figaro’s condition, both inside and out, and then present the owner with a thorough and detailed Full Inspection Report, which is also produced free of charge.

If there are any little niggles, our expert team will quickly spot any items that may need some attention and any recommendations, whether mechanical or cosmetic, are always provided without obligation. 

So bring your Figgy to us and take advantage of our Free £200 Health Check!

Contact Toby and the team on +01235 608140 or email us at: [email protected]

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