Over the years we have produced numerous guides to help you with your Nissan Figaro. With over 50 years combined experience working with these great cars we have produced articles and video guides to help you keep your Figaro in great shape.
How Far Would You Travel For Our Free Health Check?
This month, two separate Figgy owners travelled down from Scotland to see us, bringing their cars for our free Figaro Health Check. This was a
Hints and Tips: How To Wax Your Figaro
No, it’s not an April Fool and we haven’t opened a beauty salon for giving facials to your Figaros! The wax treatment we are describing
Video: How To Fit A New Figaro Steering Rack
After working your way through our library of helpful “How To” videos, we think you’re ready to tackle a bigger task. So this month, we’re
Hints and Tips: The Car Won’t Start In Park Mode
One of the common problems with a Figgy is the “Parking Bush” wears out over time. This means that even though you are trying to
What To Do With Noisy Fan Belts!
There are few things more annoying than the whine of a noisy Figaro alternator belt! This can be caused by it coming loose or perishing
Hints and Tips: What To Do With Noisy Fan Belts!
There are few things more annoying than the whine of a noisy Figaro alternator belt! This can be caused by it coming loose or perishing
Hints and Tips: Get Your Figgy Ready For Your Road Trip!
As summer approaches, The Figaro Owners Club are off to Normandy later this month and many of our clients are taking their cars out on
Hints and Tips: “Changing your Ignition Leads…!”
The Ignition Leads or HT Leads are one of the most common items that tend to go wrong on a Figgy. The symptoms include bad
Hints and Tips: “Changing Wiper Blades…!”
Those of you who watch “Top Gear” or other motoring shows on Dave, may have seen the Halfords “internet video” adverts that precede these programmes?
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