Over the years we have produced numerous guides to help you with your Nissan Figaro. With over 50 years combined experience working with these great cars we have produced articles and video guides to help you keep your Figaro in great shape.
How To Replace Steering Wheel in a Figaro
Is your Figaro steering wheel misaligned or is it just time for an upgrade? If you have discounted issues with the tracking and the tyre
How To Replace Your Figaro’s Steering Rack
A new ‘how to’ guide – how to change the steering rack on your Figaro. Sadly this is a really common fault on the car.
How To Tighten Your Figaro’s Alternator Belt
One of the frustrating things about owning a Figaro can sometimes be a loud whining sound when you start your engine. This is probably an
How To Check Your Figaro’s Cooling System & Replace the Radiator
Summer has finally arrived and the weather is getting warmer….so it’s the perfect time to check the cooling system and radiator on your Figaro to
Polyurethane Top Mount Insert – How to guide
Click here to download your free PDF guide.
How To Identify Leaks From Your Figaro
This short video shows you the main areas that leak on your Figaro and the most likely cause. Of course, if you would like any
How To Remove Door Card Panels
This week we have another ‘how to’ guide for you to help keep your Figaro looking tip top. In this video we show you how
How To Fix Your Figaro’s Glove Box Latch
How To Fix A Figaro Glove Box Latch. A common issue with the Figaro’s interior is that over time wear and tear on the glove
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