Over the years we have produced numerous guides to help you with your Nissan Figaro. With over 50 years combined experience working with these great cars we have produced articles and video guides to help you keep your Figaro in great shape.
How To Guides : How to Fit a Refurbished Lamp on a Figaro
In this video guide Toby shows you how to fit refurbished lamps on a Nissan Figaro. These lamps are now available in our Parts Shop.
How To Fit a Nissan Figaro Roof
A few months ago we were pleased to have Kevin Fagan, of the Figaro Owners’ Club, in to The Figaro Shop for some help and
“But what do they do?”
In this short video Toby answers one of the questions he is asked most often about the engine on a Nissan Figaro.
How To Fit an ECU Temperature Sender on a Figaro
In this video Toby gives you a reason to get out your house (even if it is only on your driveway!) and shows you how
How To Fit an ECU Temperature Sender on a Figaro
In this video Toby gives you a reason to get out your house (even if it is only on your driveway!) and shows you how
How to Use a Polisher to Remove Marks
In Toby’s blog today he shows you how to use a polishing machine to remove minor marks on your car.
How To Guides : How to Fit a New Cold Idle Valve in a Nissan Figaro
In this video guide, Toby shows you how to change the cold idle valve in a Nissan Figaro. If you car is stalling when cold
How To Stop Your Figaro Hood From Cracking
In this ‘How To Guide’ Toby talks about the three main reasons for the soft tops of Figaro cars cracking. It tends to be due
How To Make The Recoil on Your Figaro Seatbelts Better
In this ‘How To Guide’ Toby talks about the two main reasons why Figaro seatbelts tend to lose their recoil and go slow and what
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